Mastering Microservices: The Power of Effective Communication

The way you communicate, Does It Affect Your Way of Life? Certainly it does, communication is essential for understanding each other; nearly every living organism relies on it. While that’s not our topic today, it’s crucial to consider how communication impacts distributed systems. So, what happens when hundreds of services need to interact with each other? How do you manage this in your daily work? Are your services becoming overly chatty and tangled, like a plate of spaghetti? ...

September 16, 2024 · 6 min · Saddam H

Generate API Documentation Easily with Docgen: A Simple, Open-Source Tool

In this tutorial, I’ll introduce you to an open-source tool that makes creating amazing API documentation effortless! If you’re working with REST APIs and exposing them through HTTP/JSON, there’s a good chance you’re already using Postman to test, debug, and manage collections. When collaborating with teams, especially Android or iOS developers, you often need to share your API documentation. This typically involves sharing the Postman collection in JSON format along with manually written documentation to describe the API. ...

May 15, 2020 · 3 min · Saddam H

Query JSON data using Golang (gojsonq package)

Developers often need to consume JSON data from other services and query over it. However, querying JSON data can be time-consuming. Over the past few days, I’ve been working on a Golang package to make querying JSON data easier. The idea and inspiration for this package come from PHP-JSONQ by Nahid Bin Azhar. Let’s start by looking at a sample JSON dataset: Now that we have the JSON data, let’s dive into some examples of how to query it using the package. ...

May 29, 2018 · 2 min · Saddam H

Let’s make a simple todo app with Go

Generally, Go is perfect for building microservices, but that doesn’t mean building a simple MVC app is difficult. Go has built-in support for parsing HTML templates, although we won’t focus on that in this case. First, let’s write the Go code to serve an HTML page and save it in a directory. In this example, let’s create a directory called todoapp and inside it, create a home.tpl file. Paste the HTML content in home.tpl, which will make an HTTP call to our backend application. ...

November 23, 2017 · 5 min · Saddam H